Mon-Sat London Now Open 9-9, Woodstock 10-8. Both Store 10am-6pm Sundays.

SMOK V12-X4 QUADRUPLE Coils for TFV12 | 0.15 ohms (3-pack)

Regular price $23.99

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100% Authentic SMOK™ 0.15 ohm Replacement V12-X4 Quadruple Coil Heads (3-Pack) that fit the The Cloud Beast King SMOK TFV12 Tank

Produces extremely massive clouds with deep, warm Cloud Production with rich flavour.

Patented Quadruple (Turbo Boosted Engine) Stainless Steel Coils.Smok TFV12 X4 Coils Canada

Very wide operating wattage range of 60W to 220W.  Runs Best At 100w-170w

Comes in Pack of 3.